We commend your hard work

The industry’s best installations deserve top accolades; the Tent Rental Division is committed to recognizing excellence in commercial tent setups.

TRD Award of Excellence

Recognizing excellence in tent manufacturing and rental

From design excellence to quality workmanship, the TRD Award of Excellence Program showcases projects representing the breath of the industry from small gatherings to special and commercial events and you get recognized.

The 2015 Award Winners were announced at the IFAI Tent Expo in January. The next Award of Excellence will take place at IFAI Tent Expo 2017.

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International Achievement Awards

Recognizing design excellence and technical skill in specialty fabrics

The International Achievement Awards (IAA) is an annual competition with a goal to promote awareness of the specialty fabrics used in thousands of products and applications ranging in size and shape. For more than 67 years, the awards have recognized innovation, technical skill and design excellence. Entries are judged by industry experts, editors, architects, educators and design professionals who were selected for their knowledge in particular field of study or product area. View the2013 IAA winners.


Wodetzki Award

The Bruce W. Wodetzki Award is the tent rental industry’s most prestigious honor.

The award is named for the founding member and first Chairman of IFAI’s Tent Rental Division (TRD) and recognizes professionals who continue his legacy of impacting the growth, direction and success of the tent rental industry. After careful consideration, a Steering Committee vote and approval from a Wodetzki family member, the recipient is determined.

People such as Bruce, Bernie Armbruster, Red Mahaffey Harry Oppenheimer and Joe Nolan were all essential in the development of the division as we know it today. Bruce was the first chairman of the tent rental division and watched it grow from a handful of visionary companies to an industry influencing organization.

Bruce passed away in 1989 leaving us the foundation that we continue to build on today. It is with respect for this vision that we recognize members of our division that carry on the traditions and beliefs that meant so much to those early tent companies.

Nomination process
In order to be eligible for consideration for nomination the following guidelines should be considered:

  • Candidate must be a member of the TRD.
  • Candidate should have an understanding of the long term goals of our division/industry and must have somehow participated in helping the division achieve those goals.
  • Candidate should have demonstrated leadership in our industry or division.
  • Candidate should have influenced our division’s/industry’s trends and image.
  • Candidate must be recognized as an influential member of our industry.

Download the nomination form to submit a candidate for consideration.

Past winners
Click here to view a list of past winners of the Bruce W. Wodetzki award.